Everyone Belongs

We believe EVERYONE BELONGS, so we offer financial assistance opportunities for individuals and families wishing to participate in our Rec programs. Our community campaigns, special events and donations help support these opportunities throughout East and West Hempfield Township, Mountville and East Petersburg Boroughs and the surrounding areas.

Everyone Belongs Scholarship Assistance

EVERYONE BELONGS refers to our scholarship/financial assistance programs for individuals and families unable to afford full-cost memberships, classes, or programs. As part of our non-profit outreach, we offer discounts based on family income; required forms are available in the membership office.

Applications are reviewed annually and the team processes requests quickly.

Community support and contributions are vital to this program. Proceeds from various events, and tax-deductible donations from members keep this program growing, so everyone has access to recreational programs, summer playground, before and after school care, and memberships.

All donations, whether big or small, are appreciated. Make a difference and contribute to keeping our community strong and healthy . . . because EVERYONE BELONGS.

Everyone Belongs FAQ

What is the EVERYONE BELONGS campaign and why should I contribute?

This annual appeal directly subsidizes the cost of programs for community members who could otherwise not afford to participate.

How may I contribute to the EVERYONE BELONGS campaign?

As a 501C-3 non-profit organization, Hempfield recCenter accepts direct financial contributions to the EVERYONE BELONGS campaign. These contributions are tax deductible. Last year most of our financial assistance was distributed among our Before and After School Program, Summer Day Camp, Summer Playground and Seniors in our community.

Are there other ways to help and contribute to the EVERYONE BELONGS campaign?

Yes! We always need volunteers to help with community events that raise funds for the EVERYONE BELONGS program. Sign up to help with any or all of these fun community happenings:

  • TRI events (swim, bike, run competitions)
  • Triple Crown 5K series
  • Memorial Day and Labor Day Flea Markets
  • Pro-Circuit Tennis Tournament
  • Honey Run

New this year: consider donating some shares of stock. Please contact our executive director, Jeff Book, at jbook@hempfieldrec.com for more information.

Does Hempfield recCenter receive funding from local municipalities?

Yes, the recCenter receives funding from each municipality to help cover administrative costs and capital/facility improvements.

Do membership fees help cover costs for low-income families?

Membership fees cover the cost of maintaining and operating our facilities and programs.

Why is the EVERYONE BELONGS campaign so important?

We are passionate about health, wellness, and fitness. Communities are only as strong as their individuals, and we strive to share our programs and services with everyone within the community and surrounding area. Hempfield recCenter truly believe that EVERYONE BELONGS.